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New Year is here and well underway your new year’s resolution may have been to ramp up your brands social media. If so we are here to help you do just that.

We are giving you 14 handy hints, so two whole weeks of great content to share to excite and engage your followers and fans.  We even give you implementing suggestions. When you have decided which of our suggestions worked best for your brand you can add them into your social media strategy as an on-going element.

Let’s start then with the types of post we know could become a useful addition to your social media picture.

1- Run a competition – your fans love anything that gives back and a competition does just that. Promote an exciting prize and drive excitement not only about the competition but also about your brand.


2- Next up share the passion, enthusiasm is infectious. Share inspirational thoughts with your followers. There are lots of wonderful quotes on Instagram and Pinterest that you can re-gram on your other social media channels.


3- Create a special offer for your social media fans. Everybody loves to feel special and it’s nice to reward loyalty for your brand. This should also create additional interest in following the brand. You can measure the effectiveness of redemption through an offer like this too. Multiple bonus points from this activity.


4- Create a flipagram using an app so that you can have some moving content on your social media. Or if you prefer there are options for finding and sharing video such as Vine or videos you find on the social media channels such as Instagram.


5- Re-gram your fans content, not only will it make that fans day but it will also inspire other people to share and engage with your content.


6- Ask questions and share something of current interest to gain interaction. If you end with a question mark fans will feel inclined to answer the question and you will get lots of engagement happening in your social channels.


7- Share handy hints. This could become a regular feature on your social media. You could have a bank of these handy hints ready to go for your social media every week. Use photoshop or an app to add text to your images for your hints.


8- Share a link to your blogs on your social channels. People like interesting content so make the journey over to your blog to read on.. you can always share a snippet but not the whole blog post in order to grab their attention.


9- Share pictures of your team, everybody wants to see who the people are behind the posts so anything you can share that will make your social channels real (but still professional) is really valuable.


10- Share something funny that you’ve seen in the media. There are numerous sites where you can find amusing and informational content. Now more than ever the internet is full of great features you can share.


11- Share free resources such as report or whitepaper to your fans, we mentioned it already but they will love anything which gives them value out of being associated with your brand.


12- Share beautiful imagery.  Think about how you shoot your pictures. Even on your phone now there are so many apps for enhancements that there are no excuses for poor images on your social media platforms.

13- Tell your audience about your favourite app, add value to their own social media and their lives by sharing tips of programs the readers can use.

14- Share inspirational quotes that will make your fans feel positive. Everybody loves a good quote and this could easily be part of your on-going content each week.

Use this little guide for two weeks of super social media posting and let us know how you get on.

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